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HP 3 Across News


"There has been a remarkable erosion in public tolerance of 'offensive expression about race, gender and religion,' according to a paper Dennis Chong and Morris Levy, political scientists at the University of Southern California, and Jack Citrin, a political scientist at Berkeley, presented in September at the annual meeting of the American Poli
"As Trump rose to the presidency, one explanation that swept political science was the power of polarization, specifically a phenomenon known as affective polarization, but a keen group of scholars now suggests that this approach is inadequate."
Free school meal programs don’t just feed hungry kids — they’re a major win for moms Priya Fielding-Singh is an assistant professor of family and consumer studies at the University of Utah and the author of the forthcoming book “

HP 3 Down News


October 27, 2021
"There has been a remarkable erosion in public tolerance of 'offensive expression about race, gen
September 29, 2021
"As Trump rose to the presidency, one explanation that swept political science was the power of p
August 16, 2021
Free school meal programs don’t just feed hungry kids — they’re a major win for moms Pri

HP 4 Across News


"There has been a remarkable erosion in public tolerance of 'offensive expression about race, gender and religion,' according to a paper Dennis Chong and Morris Levy, political scientists at the University of Southern California, and Jack Citrin, a political scientist at Berkeley, presented in September at the annual meeting of the American Poli
"As Trump rose to the presidency, one explanation that swept political science was the power of polarization, specifically a phenomenon known as affective polarization, but a keen group of scholars now suggests that this approach is inadequate."
Free school meal programs don’t just feed hungry kids — they’re a major win for moms Priya Fielding-Singh is an assistant professor of family and consumer studies at the University of Utah and the author of the forthcoming book “
Census Shows Sharply Growing Numbers of Hispanic, Asian and Multiracial Americans Overall population growth slowed substantially over the past decade, but the number of multiracial Americans more than doubled.



Stanford research reveals reasons why job applicants get screened out of the hiring process

People whose employment histories include part-time, temporary help agency or mismatched work can face challenges during the hiring process, according to…

Crushing coronavirus means ‘breaking the habits of a lifetime.’ Behavior scientists have some tips

With no vaccine or medication to cope with the novel coronavirus, people around the world have sought—or been ordered to seek—protection by…

Why Latino citizens are worrying more about deportation

“You can’t deport a U.S. citizen,” said a friend recently. My friend is correct on the law. But that doesn’t stop millions of U.S. citizens from fearing deportation anyway.

In a study…

Elizabeth Warren and the Curse of ‘Electability’

There are many reasons for Warren dropping out. But a key one may have been the near-constant refrains about her “electability.” For the last few days, a meme has been circulating on social media:…

For one local community college student, a research internship at Stanford sparked an intellectual journey that led them to transfer to the Farm and study how the media portrays police killings of black Americans.

Rarely does debating…

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Census Shows Sharply Growing Numbers of Hispanic, Asian and Multiracial Americans Overall population growth slowed substantially over the past decade, but the number of multiracial Americans more than doubled.