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HP 4 Across News
The Stanford Center on Poverty and Inequality issued a new report card today showing that the 50 states are running strikingly different anti-poverty systems.
As one of three national poverty centers, the Stanford…
The New York Times quotes Shelley Correll in the article titled "Being a Father Is Good for Your Career, but Don’t Get Carried Away."
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Robb Willer's research on environmental messaging covered in New York Magazine.
The New York Times quotes Tomás R. Jiménez, assistant professor of sociology, on ambivalence as potentially the single emotion that defines the immigration experience. (New York Times, The Way North (series), Sat, 5/17/14) …
In a new book, Stanford experts analyze the challenges and opportunities confronting South Korea and Taiwan's maturing democracies. Much depends on the political leadership in those two countries rising above narrow interests to craft thoughtful…