HP 3 Across News
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HP 4 Across News
Matthew Clair has been named a co-winner of the 2021 Michael Harrington Award from the Society for the Study of Social Problems.
This award is given to a scholar or organization that by their actions advances our understanding of poverty,…
Tomás Jiménez and Jia Lynn Yang discuss "Does America Really Want to Be a Nation of Immigrants?" during the 11th annual Zócalo Public Square Book Prize Lecture.
Click here to read the story and watch the video
People who have taken a genetic ancestry test are more likely to report multiple races when self-identifying on surveys, according to Stanford sociologists.…
In a polarized nation, a dose of partisan public health messaging can be more effective.
As the number of daily coronavirus vaccinations has stalled, public health experts are no longer convinced that the U.S. will reach herd immunity. In…